1:1 Personal organization & digital declutter coaching

We'll show you how to use your tech in ways you never thought possible. Get one-on-one help with your tech challenges and get more done. Technology should make your life easier - let us solve your tech woes!

Email organization

No one likes sorting through emails. We'll help you make email suck less and help you sort and automatically categorize that mountain of unread emails.

Digital clutter management

We'll help you declutter your devices and create a customized plan for you so that you never have to deal with it again. Never had a digital declutter coach help you? We hope we'll be your first and last. Get your digital life under control with our help.

Smart home devices

Are you using your smart home devices efficiently? Let us help you make your home smarter. We'll help you pick the right devices for your needs and help you configure them correctly.

Time & task management

We'll teach you the tips and tricks to manage your to-do list and calendar so that you are more productive and organized.

1:1 Coaching
Custom solutions
Guaranteed efficiency gains

Weekly Small Group Webinars

Get answers to your tech questions in real time. We run weekly webinars for a limited number of participants on a variety of topics. This is currently invite only. Please visit our events page at https://lu.ma/eightandtwo to learn more.

Customized corporate training

Do you need your team to get more things done, with less effort? We can teach your team the skills they need to work smarter and faster.

Work smarter

Does your employee onboarding process include proper training on all the software your team uses? Are you confident they are using their software efficiently? Our customized training sessions will improve the effectiveness of your team by making sure your team is using their software in the most optimal way. We'll help bridge the gap between departments so that your most tech-savvy employees don't feel like outsiders.

The tools you're already using

We'll show you how to use all the software your team is using together, in the right way to solve your organization's unique challenges.

Custom solutions
Improved team efficiency